The time is near.

I desire to be watchful and prayerful as we near the end times as prophesied in the Holy Bible. My blog is to help me be more watchful and comment to myself and the public about certain notable events in the world. The things that might very well play a significance to end time prophecy.

Friday, December 4, 2015

DNA and synthetic biology -- the end is near

This is a new frontier for mankind to invest in.  The history of DNA is very recent in terms of the whole human life biology story.  Here is a brief history of its discovery:

1865 -- Gregor Mendel (monk) published his work on laws of hereditary (genes) based on pea plants.  He is considered "father" of genetic biology.
1869-71 -- Friedrich Miescher did experiments with white blood cells, from puss.  He discovered the first stages of the DNA molecular compound by isolating hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus from the nucleus.  These are the 4 of the 5 base elements for DNA.
1928-44 -- Fred Griffith and Oswald Avery found that DNA was used as transforming agent in Pneumococcus bacteria.  First indication of DNA being the base compound for living organisms.
1952 -- Rosalind Franklin made the first clear x-ray picture of DNA which showed a long X shape figure.
1953 -- Francis Crick and James Watson solved the double helix DNA by viewing Franklin's X-rays.  They constructed the first 3-D model of DNA.
1955-59 -- various experiments of replicating DNA for medicine and other research
1961 -- Marshall Nirenberg used DNA structure to develop the first real genetic sequence code, called Codons.
1975 -- Herbert Boyer cloned and synthesized insulin using recombinant DNA.  New company enterprises started up with venture capitalist investments.  Genentech employed Boyer.
1979 -- Frederick Sanger developed digital gene technology from experiments with breaking apart the DNA chemistry and terminating the ends at different segments (base pairs) with enzymes to indicate gene banding.  All this data was transferred to computer software for the digital code.
1980-89 -- many experiments with DNA sequencing and recombinant DNA.  A recombinant DNA means "unzipping" the DNA down the middle and modifying one or more phases of the codons, then "zipping" it back up.  This is genetically modified organism (GMO).
1990 -- Mary - Claire King discovered the gene (BRCA1) which indicated mutations to greatly increase chances of breast cancer.  The gene is in chromosome 17.
1990 -- US government provides major funding to sequence the complete Human Genome (DNA and all its bands of genes).  One for-profit company (Celera Corporation) owned by J. Craig Venter embarks upon the same project with venture capitalist funding.
2003 -- Human Genome Project completed, by both government sources and Celera (lead by Venter).  Celera tries to patent gene sequencing but get no approval from patent office.
2004 -- President Clinton declares that no one can claim patent copyright privileges for Human Genome discoveries.  Celera stocks plummet.
2010 -- team of scientist lead by Venter, successfully creates "synthetic life".  The genetic code has four "watermarks" in the sequence to determine any later descendants in the future.  This is Venter's unapproved copyright.  Venter is on a quest to patent their first partially synthetic organism, dubbed Mycoplasma laboratorium.

So, all these biological discoveries along the path toward new developments which are now synthetic creations in the laboratories, really only point to what I think is really evil, in the guise of good, being projected into our living space by atheist and evolutionist theories.  For instance J. Craig Venter is an acclaimed top atheist in the world.  Yet, by whatever devilish consortium of scientist and biologist he leads, they are moving forward with their own 'patentable' creations.  Now, I would ask the question as to why they call it their creations instead of their evolutions.  To me this indicates selfish pride, not unlike the devil, who is really the originator of these evil schemes.

I make my prediction on this blog that there will come a day (perhaps with in the next 50 - 100 years) that groups of biologist and chemists and other scientist will synthetically 'create' a human organism, perhaps dubbed "Homo labortorium".  I also predict that this created species will be the epitome of evil and deception so prophesied in Revelations chapter 13.  As it reads:

Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. 
(Revelation 13:11-18 ESV)

I predict just as Venter put four watermarks into his synthetic organism, there will come a day that 666 (the number of a man) will be the copyright 'watermark' of the synthetic human.

Friends, the end is coming very rapidly.  With the aid of super computers and rapid mathematical equation answers it will be able to speed up time for this to happen.  And as the Bible says:

And if the Lord had not cut short the days, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days. 
(Mark 13:20 ESV)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Religious fanatics

       This being post 9 days from the Paris ISIS attacks, I sit and ponder what has happened over these days to now try and articulate exactly how I feel about this horrific evil that happened at the hand of very evil minded people.  As in a simple word that comes to the top of my mind to speak what exactly I feel about all this evil in the world, I can only say, "SADNESS".  Why is that the only top feeling I can say to this awful tragedy in Paris.  Because, I really believe that is how Jesus feels.  God the Father feels like that too, but he is not surprised that this awful evil happens.  God has been witnessing awful evil from the beginning and he is never caught off by surprise that man can do such awful evil deeds.  And Jesus knows exactly both how God feels and how all men feel, too.  That is the uniqueness that our Lord Jesus has as his attribute with the Holy Trinity.  Jesus feels the pain from both sides of the spectrum.  He feels man's pain and he also feels God's pain and effort of vindication against the master of all evil [Satan].  Jesus felt this sinful pain of hate of those perpetrators in Paris even on the day he was crucified on that cruel Roman cross.  So, to me that is how I feel "SADNESS".
       I go on to explain my thoughts about religious fanatics in the events that surround the Paris attacks by ISIS followers.  I consider myself very inadequate to talk about ISIS.  I have not researched their religious ideas, nor do I even so much want to think about learning of their ideologies.  ISIS is a rather very unique low populated element of Islam believers.  But they are a very rigid fundamentalist element that is filled with very violent practices.  These episodes of violence gives them the press coverage in the world to their pride and lust filled mechanism in gaining followers.  They are not unlike the elements of NAZI Germany that did atrocious cruelties against Jewish citizens in the '30s [e.g. Kristallnacht, November 1938].
       When there is lust for power and an hateful mind in leadership, there is nothing more that tops evil than murder.  That is the drastic psychological problem of men be tormented by evil.  That is the history of man from the beginning.  The first born children into the world [Cain and Abel] were victims to the inherited sin stained human DNA and the first boy born into the world became a murderer, even against his own blood brother.  Cain was jealous and he lusted for the blessing that Abel received from God.  So, he slew his brother to steal the blessing.  He failed and then he had to wander the earth with mark of protection else he himself would be victim to murder by someone else.  This is the story of hateful lustful heart of men.
       What is the answer to once and for all solve hate and murder.  The answer lies in a relationship not a religion.  It is a relationship with God.  The son of God, Jesus Christ desires a pure relationship with all sinful men and women.  Over all centuries of time, religion has taught rules and laws and regulations to adhere to for a better life.  And all religions fail in eliminating strife and hate from the world.  There is no perfect religion to give the perfect answer to perfect peace among all men.
       "You can fool some of the men all the time, or all men some of the time, but never all men all the time" [Abraham Lincoln].  There is always a mysterious element of a religion that preaches perfect solutions to man's problems.  But a religion that preaches you need a relationship, then that is the pure answer to solve these problems.  A relationship with the master of peace.  The master, Jesus Christ, came into this world in a lowly peaceful setting in Bethlehem of Judea.  He brought the message of peace and goodwill to all mankind.
Do you believe him to give you peace?

Or do you believe in religious fanatics?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Temple Institute's ambition

Tonight, I was able to sit together with good friends and watch on my laptop the lecture from Rabbi Chaim Richmond, Director of The Temple Institute.  The rabbi spoke about his efforts to organize the rebuilding of the third temple in Jerusalem.  From his position as the director, he is critically involved in every aspect of details concerning all progress with the new temple for all the Jews around the world.  Of course the holy city is Jerusalem for the rebuilding of the temple to take place.  What we learned is that many things are continually happening in preparation for this temple.  The line of hereditary elements for the red heifer offspring has been found.  This red heifer is of particular significance for sacrifice on the holy mountain of God.  Rabbi spoke of the political conditions in Jerusalem at the present time.  The Palestinian Authority (governed over by Jordan's Muslim ruling officials) continually harass their Jewish counter-parts who want to tour the Holy Mount.  The Israeli police have a heavy burden to keep peace, and they usually limit tours going through the sacred area.  There is no praying of any kind permitted.

So, with the lecture I have learned that The Temple Institute still needs considerable time to get reform done in the regional area between the Palestinians and Jews.  Rabbi mentioned that things will drastically change for good when United Nations and even their Israeli government fully recognize their effort to change the holy mount into a Jewish holy ground area.  What the rabbi warned is for impatience for this to happen.  He believes that his religion is the light of the world.  The orthodox Jews are a peace loving people and really want to get alone with their neighbors, just short of allowing anymore desecration of the holy mount by Muslims.  When the world sees this as their true rightful goal to be at peace, then he believes the new temple will succeed.

What amazes me still is his reluctance to believe Jesus Christ as the true messiah.  Rabbi Richmond talks about Jews being the light of the world by virtue of the sacred scriptures, but he fails to acknowledge that the son of God was and is the real true light of the world.  Rabbi believes Jerusalem will be the ruling city over all the earth someday, when the messiah sets up his kingdom.  He believes the Jew, as the chosen people of God, to once and for all rule over all peoples.  He thinks the messiah will be revealed in this generation of Jews occupying Jerusalem.  That is the actuality of truth which Jesus, as the perfect prophet, spoke of concerning Jerusalem being surrounded by gentile masses until the great and notable day of the Lord.  So, whatever, Iran or Iraq or other Muslim nations think for the complete annihilation of Israel, will not happen.

So, in conclusion, I see many more items of critical nature to believe that things on the world stage are truly coming into existence because of the near end times prophecy fulfillment.  And as I have said before, the next big prophetical event of the end times to happen is the rapture of true Christians.  The rapture is for the saints.  Saints will be marginalized more and more in this post-Christian era all across the globe.  The radical Muslim people who are fanatical about contradictions to their rigid Sharia law will execute anyone who resists them, especially Christian missionaries.  What we are now seeing in our freedom ordained American nation are elements of sinful people harshly criticizing and imprisoning Christian folks all for standing up for the truth.  This will happen more and more as time goes along.  The devil is out to deceive the world with many various forms of idolatry and vain lusts.  And since America has freedom, it will be all the more easier for him to deceive people to think everything is relative by nature of majority opinions.  Their will be disrespect for authority and rules or laws by legislatures.  The ruling elite will be judges.

When the numbers of true Christians dramatically dwindle, we need to look up for our redemption draws close.  The rapture will be upon us unexpectedly and the dead in Christ will rise first, then we which remain alive will be caught up in the air to be with the Lord forever.  There will be cataclysmic events unfolded all across the world.  There may very well be airplanes crashing down, because of a Christian pilot being taken up.  Or automobile accidents happening everywhere.  All this will be extra-ordinary and yet limited in a few places.  It will be limited because there will only be few true Christians alive who obediently serve the Lord.  Many Christian peoples will fall away from the truth and will not be aware of Jesus second coming for the rapture.  The trumpet will be sounded but they will not hear the sound because the are lost in their vile sins.

The Jews remaining after the rapture will take up all initiative to restore principled order in the name of sacred religion.  There will be a peace alliance between all institutions all across the world.  The governments, the religious, and the social institutions will put together their world wide referendums of peace all under the authority of the false prophet (anti-Christ).  For 3-1/2 years the temple in Jerusalem will be the center of religious worship, but the god to worship will be a mix of all religions and come under the authority of the false prophet.  He will do miracles and heal many people to prove his Deity.  So, the temple will be accomplished and the Jews will ultimately get their wish done.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Blood moon

       Last night, Sunday, September 27, 2015 was an incredible evening to watch the majesty of the heavens put on a marvelous display of perfect timing by looking up into the eastern sky and seeing the moon be swallowed up with earth's shadow some 238,900 miles apart.  I am an amateur astronomer, presently without a telescope, but true at heart to watch the planets and stars in the night skies.  About 3 years ago I sold my high powered scope to my cousin cheap, but respectfully knowing he would take care of it with due diligence and so that his kids could study astronomy in their private schools.
       With that being said, and the great event last night, I did take the opportunity to go to a local city park and look through a good telescope of another astronomers from the local astronomy club.  Lots of people were there doing the same thing.  Our eyes were looking up and much visiting going on about the lunar eclipse.  We got there about 9:15 pm and stayed till 10:10 pm.  That was the time the moon would show us the eclipse to totality.  Then we went back home and I stayed up a little bit longer till 10:45 to see the totality end and the bright white moon come back into view.  The moon while in totality did appear orangish and redish in color.  That means the earth's atmosphere was bouncing sunlight around the edges of the earth onto the moon and then shining back to us on the ground.

       All while this was happening, many of us talked about the apocalyptic prediction surrounding the Blood Moon.  The term Blood Moon comes from Revelations 6:12, which says the moon becomes like blood.  What some predicators have tried to say is that a blood moon like last night would be the end of the world.  That is patently false.  The end of the world is at least 1,000 years away, because the true messiah (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) will rule supreme in Israel during the millennial time of peace.
       What it means in Revelations is that yes, indeed when the sixth seal is opened by Jesus alone, there will be unusual celestial events in the sky.  And yes, they will mean something extra ordinary will happen in that day.  But that day will be after the rapture of the true Christians.  It will be during the last seven years of great tribulation.  Jesus only has the vested privilege to open the future seals for marking of time in the dispensation of wrath.  And yes the moon will do a very unusual eclipse to frighten mankind that their deeds are evil.  But they find themselves hard at heart to really repent of their sins.  Therefore, the other seals are opened and more wrath is poured out onto the earth.
      So, what should men be doing now in the day of grace?  Everyone should look up into the night skies and give God glory for his majestic wonder of creation.  They should also ponder their souls salvation so they are prepared at a moments notice that Jesus will come again with his angels to make the trumpet sounding and the rapture will happen.  But the rapture is a secret day/night that only God knows when it will happen.  All the predictions of how the moon or sun or stars will be can not explain the mind of God.  So, anyone who tries to absolutely predict the end is a false prophet.  We can and we should be watchful all the time and especially ponder these things when an eclipse happens; but, to author great expose' of false words only ends up hurting true believers in Christ.