The time is near.

I desire to be watchful and prayerful as we near the end times as prophesied in the Holy Bible. My blog is to help me be more watchful and comment to myself and the public about certain notable events in the world. The things that might very well play a significance to end time prophecy.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Religious fanatics

       This being post 9 days from the Paris ISIS attacks, I sit and ponder what has happened over these days to now try and articulate exactly how I feel about this horrific evil that happened at the hand of very evil minded people.  As in a simple word that comes to the top of my mind to speak what exactly I feel about all this evil in the world, I can only say, "SADNESS".  Why is that the only top feeling I can say to this awful tragedy in Paris.  Because, I really believe that is how Jesus feels.  God the Father feels like that too, but he is not surprised that this awful evil happens.  God has been witnessing awful evil from the beginning and he is never caught off by surprise that man can do such awful evil deeds.  And Jesus knows exactly both how God feels and how all men feel, too.  That is the uniqueness that our Lord Jesus has as his attribute with the Holy Trinity.  Jesus feels the pain from both sides of the spectrum.  He feels man's pain and he also feels God's pain and effort of vindication against the master of all evil [Satan].  Jesus felt this sinful pain of hate of those perpetrators in Paris even on the day he was crucified on that cruel Roman cross.  So, to me that is how I feel "SADNESS".
       I go on to explain my thoughts about religious fanatics in the events that surround the Paris attacks by ISIS followers.  I consider myself very inadequate to talk about ISIS.  I have not researched their religious ideas, nor do I even so much want to think about learning of their ideologies.  ISIS is a rather very unique low populated element of Islam believers.  But they are a very rigid fundamentalist element that is filled with very violent practices.  These episodes of violence gives them the press coverage in the world to their pride and lust filled mechanism in gaining followers.  They are not unlike the elements of NAZI Germany that did atrocious cruelties against Jewish citizens in the '30s [e.g. Kristallnacht, November 1938].
       When there is lust for power and an hateful mind in leadership, there is nothing more that tops evil than murder.  That is the drastic psychological problem of men be tormented by evil.  That is the history of man from the beginning.  The first born children into the world [Cain and Abel] were victims to the inherited sin stained human DNA and the first boy born into the world became a murderer, even against his own blood brother.  Cain was jealous and he lusted for the blessing that Abel received from God.  So, he slew his brother to steal the blessing.  He failed and then he had to wander the earth with mark of protection else he himself would be victim to murder by someone else.  This is the story of hateful lustful heart of men.
       What is the answer to once and for all solve hate and murder.  The answer lies in a relationship not a religion.  It is a relationship with God.  The son of God, Jesus Christ desires a pure relationship with all sinful men and women.  Over all centuries of time, religion has taught rules and laws and regulations to adhere to for a better life.  And all religions fail in eliminating strife and hate from the world.  There is no perfect religion to give the perfect answer to perfect peace among all men.
       "You can fool some of the men all the time, or all men some of the time, but never all men all the time" [Abraham Lincoln].  There is always a mysterious element of a religion that preaches perfect solutions to man's problems.  But a religion that preaches you need a relationship, then that is the pure answer to solve these problems.  A relationship with the master of peace.  The master, Jesus Christ, came into this world in a lowly peaceful setting in Bethlehem of Judea.  He brought the message of peace and goodwill to all mankind.
Do you believe him to give you peace?

Or do you believe in religious fanatics?

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