The time is near.

I desire to be watchful and prayerful as we near the end times as prophesied in the Holy Bible. My blog is to help me be more watchful and comment to myself and the public about certain notable events in the world. The things that might very well play a significance to end time prophecy.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Blood moon

       Last night, Sunday, September 27, 2015 was an incredible evening to watch the majesty of the heavens put on a marvelous display of perfect timing by looking up into the eastern sky and seeing the moon be swallowed up with earth's shadow some 238,900 miles apart.  I am an amateur astronomer, presently without a telescope, but true at heart to watch the planets and stars in the night skies.  About 3 years ago I sold my high powered scope to my cousin cheap, but respectfully knowing he would take care of it with due diligence and so that his kids could study astronomy in their private schools.
       With that being said, and the great event last night, I did take the opportunity to go to a local city park and look through a good telescope of another astronomers from the local astronomy club.  Lots of people were there doing the same thing.  Our eyes were looking up and much visiting going on about the lunar eclipse.  We got there about 9:15 pm and stayed till 10:10 pm.  That was the time the moon would show us the eclipse to totality.  Then we went back home and I stayed up a little bit longer till 10:45 to see the totality end and the bright white moon come back into view.  The moon while in totality did appear orangish and redish in color.  That means the earth's atmosphere was bouncing sunlight around the edges of the earth onto the moon and then shining back to us on the ground.

       All while this was happening, many of us talked about the apocalyptic prediction surrounding the Blood Moon.  The term Blood Moon comes from Revelations 6:12, which says the moon becomes like blood.  What some predicators have tried to say is that a blood moon like last night would be the end of the world.  That is patently false.  The end of the world is at least 1,000 years away, because the true messiah (Jesus Christ, Yeshua) will rule supreme in Israel during the millennial time of peace.
       What it means in Revelations is that yes, indeed when the sixth seal is opened by Jesus alone, there will be unusual celestial events in the sky.  And yes, they will mean something extra ordinary will happen in that day.  But that day will be after the rapture of the true Christians.  It will be during the last seven years of great tribulation.  Jesus only has the vested privilege to open the future seals for marking of time in the dispensation of wrath.  And yes the moon will do a very unusual eclipse to frighten mankind that their deeds are evil.  But they find themselves hard at heart to really repent of their sins.  Therefore, the other seals are opened and more wrath is poured out onto the earth.
      So, what should men be doing now in the day of grace?  Everyone should look up into the night skies and give God glory for his majestic wonder of creation.  They should also ponder their souls salvation so they are prepared at a moments notice that Jesus will come again with his angels to make the trumpet sounding and the rapture will happen.  But the rapture is a secret day/night that only God knows when it will happen.  All the predictions of how the moon or sun or stars will be can not explain the mind of God.  So, anyone who tries to absolutely predict the end is a false prophet.  We can and we should be watchful all the time and especially ponder these things when an eclipse happens; but, to author great expose' of false words only ends up hurting true believers in Christ.

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