I have been studying lately our latest Federal Reserve system tactics for the American economy. The Fed Chairwoman Yellen is talking about NIRP in a course of stress testing for member banks. NIRP [negative interest rate policy] is a new post-modern experiment for some nation's banks to help their devastated economy along. Countries like Japan and Greece. What is really means is that because the interest rate is so low the aspect of lending money is virtually nil. So, what the Fed is stress testing banks, now, is to see if member banks will in effect pay the Fed back with fees to hold their money that they are not lending out. What a farce!
Several years ago the Fed started an experiment called Quantitative Easing [QE] which was to be short lived. This QE was in effect of monetizing the Federal Debt figures as assets on their balance sheets. Essentially, because the US Treasury is so high into debt and is now beyond the threshold to recover out of debt or even making a fractional lowering of debt, the Fed wants to lend more money to buy more debt for the federal government. In other words it is debt paying debt only on another set of record books. That experiment of QE failed the first time because large banks took the lended money and filled their vaults for security against bad debts. So less than a year later QE2 happened to force banks to borrow money to stimulate the economy out of recession. This happened again but the fruits of these QE scenarios have not actually evolved into good sound economic policy for themselves and the US Treasury.
What we are seeing now is the Fed wants to test NIRP to see how the banks and economy play together if the start charging banks higher fees to hold the money which should have been lended out. What a deceitful and wicked things are happening with the American financial situation. Just because some countries began the NIRP policy to help them get out of financial ruin, shouldn't mean America should do the same policies even when we are supposed to be the light on a hill for humanity. What is happening with this nation and it's leaders?
I feel we have lost all sanity for morals whether socially and now economically. These issues have been very important through out history of mankind. And, the God of the universe wrote very important precepts in the Bible for mankind to live by in reference to money and life on all fronts.
America has devalued sacred human life via abortion. America has made sanctity of marriage of ill repute. And now the monetary policies within the government and our top banking system to cheat to make things go. The Word of God speaks so clearly about borrowing money and that it should be righteously paid back with usury (interest} unless it is to your brother. What we see happening now in the country is the leaders have gotten to a point that they don't want to pay back the debts borrowed. They would rather manipulate the accounts to hide the borrowing until a future generation falls in total disarray.
Friends, a horrible judgment is coming to this nation. We can not continue as a Christian, Godly nation with corrupt leaders that we have. I agree that God raises up leaders according to his pleasure; but, these latest leaders are evil and it will be for God's retribution upon this sinful nation.